We developed and designed branding for the RAIN Coalition, an intercity network of community-based organizations addressing climate change through local Green Infrastructure management, green-collar jobs, and a stewardship program that gives local watershed communities a fighting chance.
WORK / Brand Identity – Logo Design – Graphic Design – Presentation Design
CLIENT INDUSTRY / Environmental Justice
YEAR / 2022
The Rain Garden Action in Neighborhoods (RAIN) Coalition hired me to develop a logo, poster templates, and other brand assets for their team. When we began the project we knew that the logo needed to be distinct, work in multiple languages and be easy for anyone to understand. We tackled this by creating a literal representation of a rain garden for the logo which also helped to prevent any confusion with the name of the coalition and the work that they do. The colors used in the brand identity were inspired by the different components that make up a rain garden such as soil, sand, rocks, and plants. RAIN provided me with a list of flowers and foliage used in NYC for rain gardens which we drew inspiration from and incorporated into the poster and presentation templates we developed for them.
Understanding that the coalition is comprised of 5 different organizations from different parts of NYC challenged us to develop a singular visual identity; In many ways, we were developing branding for each individual member. We tackled this challenge by familiarizing ourselves with the individual work and challenges of each member organization. Some communities are educated on the role of rain gardens, but others are not. Therefore, it was important to create something that could be presented as an illustration and standalone.