Neighborhoods Now via The Van Alen Institute & Urban Design Forum


Through the Neighborhoods Now Initiative, BD FELIZ created design recommendations for our community partner, Banana Kelly. BD developed branding, outreach materials, communication, and engagement tools for Banana Kelly and its network of gardens in the South Bronx.

PROJECT TEAM / BD FELIZ (Graphic & Integrated Design), Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates (Urban Design), The Greenest Fern (Landscape & Sustainable Design), Fried Frank (Legal)
CLIENT INDUSTRY / Community Improvement
YEAR / 2021


BD created vinyl floor graphics in the form of garden produce to direct visitors to the Kelly Street Community Garden making it easier to spot.

Through Neighborhoods Now, MVVA, The Greenest Fern, and I worked closely with our partner Banana Kelly to re-engage their community gardens in the South Bronx. As a Bronx-based designer, I was tasked with developing the visual aspects of our solution as well as providing recommendations for engagement and communication. Early on in the project, our team Identified challenges that Banana Kelly faced at 5 of their community gardens and compartmentalized our efforts. While some gardens needed help with maintenance and developing a stewardship program, others had mobility issues or needed help with outreach to the community.

For example, at the Kelly Street garden, we encountered wayfinding and mobility issues as the garden was tucked down a short flight of stairs behind one of the buildings. This presented a challenge because we knew that 1) we needed to create some sort of signage to lead residents to the garden and 2) we’d have to find some alternative method for residents in wheelchairs to get there. Although we were not able to address the mobility issue in the short term, our team, with the help of Fried Frank, developed a blueprint for a ramp and easement agreement with a neighboring property that could work in the future. I helped to address the first challenge by designing and suggesting that floor vinyl stickers be used as a way to improve wayfinding. I also designed posters and communication material for outreach for the gardens that needed them.


I designed a mural for The College Avenue Community Garden of Hope. The Interactive mural features a chalkboard door for self-expression and an artificial grass strip bringing the mural to life with a sensory experience. Bold pops of color draw attention to space while patterns and motifs help orient visitors, define the garden's identity, and link to other Banana Kelly gardens.


I utilized colorful shapes developed for our outreach material to create a sticker sheet for the Bryant Avenue Garden. The sticker sheets were used to beautify and personalize planters for the Adopt-a-bucket program that we launched with them inviting residents to take ownership of their community garden.


Bronx River Alliance
